December is the most special month in the North East (NE). It starts with the Hornbill, dubbed as the ‘festival of festivals’, culminating in Christmas. Notwithstanding, ‘Act East’ policy; growing dependency of hospitality and retail industries, on admirable soft skills of NE workforce, our connect with the region remains tenuous and tentative. Very few Indians, outside uniform, visit NE, certainly less than those headed abroad. No wonder Chinese are establishing border villages and our settlements are turning into ghost ones. Can we motivate institutions in hinterland, to visit border areas and in the interim forge web connectivity?

Hornbill festival showcases ethnic diversity of 16-odd tribes, loosely bundled, within Naga identity.

Hornbill festival showcases ethnic diversity of 16-odd tribes, loosely bundled, within Naga identity. The challenge for most Indians is to fully comprehend their yearnings for recognition of unique identities. This quest, bordering on insecurity has spurred multiple insurgencies. It has resulted in creation of seven sisters and brother, across Siliguri corridor. States are complemented by 27 autonomous councils, under Sixth Schedule for Bodos, Dimasas, Kacharis, Kukis, Karbis and other tribes. Accordingly, the governors in these states are entrusted with additional responsibilities and powers. The moot question remains — have we been getting desired results?

December 1 is a defining landmark, for in 1963, Nagaland was carved out of greater Assam, on this date. This literally unleashed ‘Domino effect’ of assertion of identities, resulting in upgradation of Manipur, Tripura and Meghalaya, to full fledged ones in 1972, and creation of Arunachal Pradesh and Mizoram in 1987.

Identity fixation, lack of clarity on state borders, conflicting clan ownerships, pressure on reserved forests, exacerbated by proliferation of arms results in inter-state clashes. It is indeed ironical, as most of the states are being ruled by same political dispensation. The next obvious poser is — effect of mainland politics on already vitiated NE dynamics in terms of mainstreaming?

This year, most unfortunately, we were forced to take an early reality check with dastardly and unprecedented ambush in Manipur, targeting AR Colonel and his family, a new low in NE. It reminded us that all is certainly not well. China card and ascendancy of military junta in Myanmar has altered the ground realities. Ruili, on Sino-Myanmar border, has become hub for NE ultras, with Paresh Barua of ULFA (I) and Phunthing Shimrang of NSCN (IM), my old colleague in Cease Fire Monitoring Group, Manohar Mayum of PLA, all reportedly sheltered there.

Two competing strands of separatism are driven by NSCN (IM) and United Liberation Front of Western South East Asia (UNLFW), umbrella conglomeration of anti-IM groups like ULFA and Khaplang factions. However, aging

Muivah and his NSCN remain the key to resolving Gordian knot of seven-decade-old insurgency, which has defied conventional templates of conflict resolution. Likely splintering of IM, in post Muivah scenario, may only add to complexities. Interlocutor approach has seen number of experts, both in NE and J&K. Intelligence background of recent appointees is an interesting trend, however, it is yet to deliver expected results.

Popularly held belief that proxy war was initiated in 80s, misses the very first markers, Phizo escaping to erstwhile East Pakistan and Mowu Angami to China in 50s. There was continued support and sanctuary, till clamp down by Sheikh Hasina. China recently, openly threatened to revive support to NE rebels. There is compelling need to quell centrifugal forces aided by external mischief makers.

Brief era of cooperation with Myanmar is getting frayed with military regime, colluding with rebel groups, to quell anti-coup populace, limiting options of targeting terrorists across. Myanmar and Bangladesh have expressed concern on increased meddling by ISI. Pakistan is providing considerable support to groups, inimical to Indian interests. Altered dynamics have stymied connectivity projects like Kaladan multi-modal project, catalyst in the Act East Policy.

The need is to critically examine recent ambush, linkages (internal and external) and narco-terrorism angles. Two perpetrators, Peoples Liberation Army, dormant Meitei group, and obscure Manipur Naga Peoples Front have linkages with China sheltered umbrella group, UNFLW. NIA having taken over the investigation, it is hoped that agency will address all issues expeditiously.

It will be worthwhile, if at least sanitized portions of NIA reports are shared and subjected to expert review. It appears that we are unable to close investigation loop in time and tackle collaborators. In parts of Manipur-Churachandpur (recent attack) and Chandel (ambush in 2015), writ of security and enforcement agencies continues to be sub-optimal. This results in AR, tackling narco-terrorism, without matching support, from other agencies. These incidents by UNFWA affiliated groups in Zomi and Kuki dominated areas (with groups, in suspension of operations mode), in proximity to Myanmar border, mandate enhanced domination, surveillance and coordination with Zomis and Kukis.

While the nation has been assured of suitable retaliatory actions, options are restricted. Unfortunately, essence of problem is episodic responses and top-down approach emanating from Delhi. It is time to expedite resolution of Naga problem and engage with all groups. NE Council needs to be revitalized with autonomy and funds, modeled on Niti Ayog. Creation of separate NE Security Council would only add another avoidable layer.

It may seem utopian but refined ‘Laldenga approach’ should be revisited with Muivah being offered NE Council chairmanship, and Paresh Barua its membership. As an additional sop, Muivah can be given enhanced status. Issues of sovereignt,y especially separate flag and constitution-require nuanced resolution, possibly after forthcoming assembly elections. Concurrently, 6,000-odd cadres could be absorbed in security related and other vocations. The crying need is to replace extortion and narcoterrorism driven economy with functional one.

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