The geostrategic environment around India has indeed become very murky and chaotic. Sri Lanka, Nepal, Myanmar and Afghanistan are embroiled in flux and turbulence. Lankan imbroglio has geoeconomics dimension with China being the main catalyst for fiscal abyss and looming humanitarian crisis. Kathmandu is headed for elections under court-mandated caretaker government. Naypyidaw is still grappling with multiple insurgencies and shock of military usurping power, after dismissing the democratically-elected government. Kabul continues under unrecognised Taliban dispensation with medieval mind set, defying definition.

India remains an island of stability in turbulent maelstrom, yet at the outset, it will be appropriate to state that unstable neighbourhood can have dangerous fallout through socio-political osmosis. Tamil refugees have already started landing on Tamil Nadu coast. An old African proverb states that “malaise like locusts does not devour only your neighbour’s field”. It is only Chinese who believe in “looting the house on fire”. India, like responsible neighbour has rushed wheat to Afghanistan; diesel and rice to Sri Lanka, along with financial bale out package.

Imran Khan has unleashed unprecedented political crisis, orchestrating Act-1 of sordid drama in Pakistani parliament. His game plan is to divert attention from accumulated anti-incumbency and financial distress, generated by three-and-a-half ye-ars of misrule. Imran has failed to deliver promised ‘Naya Pakistan’ and ‘Riyasat-e-Madina’. Noted cricketer has chosen ‘gully cricket’ format by taking the issue to public by organising huge rallies and frequent televised addresses. His recipe for popular connect is based on allegations of conspiracy theory and foreign hand (America), to unseat him. Allegation is based on top secret diplomatic communication (coded cable in cipher), referring to the US bureaucrat’s advocacy for regime change. Imran is displaying irrationality in threatening to table top-secret cable in parliament. Holier than thou attitude on external influence is definitely rank hypocrisy, in debt dependent nation, known for 3As (Amerika-Army-Allah), till it became ABC (Allah-Bajwa-China). CPEC is also described as ‘Colonization of Pak Economically by China’.

His populist strategy isbeginning to resonate as Imran is drawing huge crowds and his party PTI reaped success in recent local elections in KPK. Street power has become defining trend, as witnessed in TYPL’s frequent debilitating blockades. AntiAmericanism in Pakistan is heady brew, which readily blends with Fassadi propaganda and anti-corruption crusade. Foreign hand invariably shapes anti-India mobilisation. While those baying for imploding the country may exult but uncontrolled chaos in neighbourhood can have unpleasant surprises and ripple effect.

In this drama, second round belonged to Pakistan’s Supreme Court with CJI Umar Ata Bandial emerging as the man of match. The court in unanimous verdict rightly set aside the proceedings, conducted by deputy speaker. In sum, dissolution of parliament and ordering early elections were held ultra vires. By implication, actions of the Pakistan’s president amounted to rubber stamping, without due application of mind.

It is heartening that court combined urgency with due deliberation and inclusiveconsultations with their election commission. Strengthening of institutions, as also checks and balances on legislature are welcome, stabilising trends. Unfortunately, some of our presiding officers, assemblies and even courts have been below-par in their conduct and it will be appropriate to pick up right lessons.

Pakistani Army and its chief General Qamar Javed Bajwa have also decided to strengthen constitutional norms by remaining in shadows. ISI chief Lt Gen Nadeem Anjum went extra length to down play his presence in meeting with Bill Gates, in February. It is very difficult to believe that the Khaki will yield control but it is at least trying to build up image of being apolitical. Even a facade is better than nothing, specially with China on rampage. It is also heartening that cease fire on LoC has been holding for 14 months. It will be interesting to decipher if Army is indeed serious on Bajwa Doctrine, focusing on rapprochement and trade. It could well be temporary mutation of stripes by Gen Bajwa to earn another extension of tenure in November or different role.

Like all discredited rulers, Imran is shifting focus to external geopolitics from failure in domestic governance. Surprisingly, Indian strategic autonomy is being praised and used to reinforce Pakistan’s yearning for parity syndrome, desire to punch, much above her weight. In sheer desperation, he is even using self-flagellation, stating that Pakistan is being used in ‘use and throw’ mode like tissue paper. Imran, who has got isolated by annoying traditional allies, Saudi Arabia and gulf countries, has only himself to blame for his woes. The US is rightly peeved with him because it is under his watch that Gen Faiz Hameed, former ISI chief shredded semblance of face-saving exit from Afghanistan. He was in Kabul to oversee Haqqani edging out Mullah Baradar, lynchpin of the US’s hopes for continued relevance. Recent Russian visit was another diplomatic hara-kiri of sorts.

China hyperactive in manipulating domestic politics in Nepal, Sri Lanka and Myanmar, surprisingly is keeping low profile in Pakistan. Beijing may prefer Shabaz Sharif with his track record of better administrator and strong proponent of CPEC. Pakistan’s desire to repair ties with America is also driven by growing disenchantment with Chinese weapons. Efficacy apart, their serviceability is causing considerable concern. If Pakistan aspires for strategic autonomy, it will be axiomatic to reduce dependence on Beijing and recast CPEC to avoid repeat of Sri Lanka type of fiasco.

In Round-3, filibustering and other antics are further damaging Pakistan’s credibility and reputation. Geopolitical flux and turbulence is natural but management of chaos and keeping it below threshold, in nuclear armed neighbourhood, is non-negotiable. It requires maturity and strengthening of constitutional institutions coupled with deft diplomacy.

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