Restore fauji ecosystem

The top Army leadership is holding its bi-annual conference, concurrently, veterans WhatsApp groups are witnessing unprecedented spewing of venom. There is wide spread apprehension that major drive is underway to take away privileges and so-called perks in the garb of optimisation and economy drive. Self-perpetuating rumours are viral about impending cuts in canteen entitlements, ECHS […]

Theaterisation imbroglio requires resolution post-haste

It was indeed bold, on part of the government, to kick-start delayed reforms for integration of defense forces. Institution of combined defence services (CDS) and creation of department of military affairs (DMA), came in only way possible in our system, ‘topdown’, directly announced by the Prime Minister. Even in USA, it was Goldwater–Nichols Department of […]

Lopsided public discourse in social media era

India has recorded phenomenal mushrooming of think tanks, with a 120% increase in their numbers in the last three years. According to global rating agency, India currently has 507 think tanks, narrowly surpassing China. USA with 1,871, tops the list. Notwithstanding the quantitative growth, we lag in qualitative terms, particularly regulatory frameworks for discussion and […]

Carrying forward legacy of India’s 1st CDS

In a devastating blow, nation lost our first Chief of Defence Staff (CDS), Gen Bipin Rawat, Madhulika, his wife, Brig LS Lidder and 13 others in line of duty. Helicopter crash of reliable MI17-V5 is subject matter of tri-service enquiry. Having travelled on similar career path, for many, it was indeed personal loss. In his […]

Legacy of first CDS: Need to reorient and push forward

It has been a year since we lost our first Chief of Defence Staff (CDS), Gen Bipin Rawat in a very unfortunate helicopter crash. I first met Gen Rawat as Cadet Bipin in NDA, two terms (a year) junior, in the same squadron. He became Brig, a term used in the academy, for relegated cadets. […]