Governing and securing critical strategic corridors

The title of Robert D Kaplan’s famous book, ‘The Revenge of Geography’ readily comes to mind when we take stock of our critical strategic spaces. The challenges have been magnified by our two diabolic neighbours, China bent upon asserting its coercive dominance and Pakistan, whose existential raison d’etre is to create new criticalities for us. […]

Coping with Chinese techno-psy war

As we crystal gaze security challenges likely in 2021, it is appropriate to recall the major trends of last year. Despite the Covid pandemic, China blatantly altered the tenuous status quo on the LAC in utter disregard of agreed protocols. It also instigated a barbaric stand-off in Galwan using stone age weapons. Yet, the year […]

‘Chinese checkers’: Preparing for the summer onslaught

There has been a flurry of visits to the LAC by members of the top military hierarchy, including Ladakh and Arunachal. Such forays amidst the ongoing border crisis, besides raising the morale of troops on the ground, enable review of preparedness. The latter assumes greater relevance as there is considerable apprehension about the possible Chinese […]

Quest for ‘atmanirbhar’ modernisation of forces

India is grappling with an aggressive Dragon in the north, with uneasy stalemate on LAC beginning to acquire LoC type character. Hence, expectations from defence budget are indeed very high. These are further fuelled by the stark reality that challenges have multiplied, with no resolution in sight on the western border. They are further exacerbated […]

We need strategic awareness instead of quixotic jingoism

Gathering war clouds seem to have cleared out on both LoC and LAC, bringing to mind the famous analogy used by former PM Vajpayee during Operation Prakram. Most soldiers who have to face the direct consequences of conflicts as well as informed experts see a silver lining in this, albeit tinged with some skepticism. Many […]

Standoff in Ladakh: Defining reality check

One year after the Ladakh stand-off, it is axiomatic to take stock, analyse shortcomings and options to chart the way forward. Unfortunately, major focus is skewed in favour of Galwan and Kailash, bordering largely on self-adulation. There is concurrent need to learn appropriate lessons and apply correctives. It will be fair to admit that the […]

Theaterisation imbroglio requires resolution post-haste

It was indeed bold, on part of the government, to kick-start delayed reforms for integration of defense forces. Institution of combined defence services (CDS) and creation of department of military affairs (DMA), came in only way possible in our system, ‘topdown’, directly announced by the Prime Minister. Even in USA, it was Goldwater–Nichols Department of […]

Indian role in Afghan peace process

Tokyo summer Olympics got off to somewhat hesitant start, under the looming shadow of obstinate pandemic. Media attention, however, is divided, focused on another round in the never-ending great game, unfolding in the killing fields of Afghanistan. It also brings back fading memories of Moscow Olympics of July 1980, ironically boycotted by United States of […]

Recalibrating South Asian alliances

China recently launched China Poverty Alleviation and Cooperation Development Centre (CPAC-DC), as part of CCP centenary celebrations. It managed to incorporate diplomatic representatives, of all South Asian nations, except India, Bhutan and Maldives. It was another attempt, to tap latent angst against India, for keeping South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC), in a state […]

Seeking clarity on Taliban 2.0 and Afghan-Pakistan situation

Great game is an addictive affliction, having engineered ignominious defeat of most external forces, except Maharaja Ranjit Singh. In Higher Command (2001-02), my dissertation was ‘Containment of Jihadi Fundamentalism in Afghanistan’. Prescriptive initiatives included forging strategic linkages with Iran and (central Asian regions) CAR, backed up with connectivities. Chabahar, rail/road links, air bases in CAR […]