Perform to survive: Why defence production should be corporatised

While defence forces are combating People’s Liberation Army (PLA), in most challenging terrain and hostile weather, its oldest component Ordnance Factory Board (OFB) had decided to go on strike from October 12, at most inappropriate time. Mercifully, strike by 82,000 strong workforce, spread over 41 factories, world’s largest government operated production organisation has been deferred. […]
Governing and securing critical strategic corridors

The title of Robert D Kaplan’s famous book, ‘The Revenge of Geography’ readily comes to mind when we take stock of our critical strategic spaces. The challenges have been magnified by our two diabolic neighbours, China bent upon asserting its coercive dominance and Pakistan, whose existential raison d’etre is to create new criticalities for us. […]
Vijay Diwas: It’s time to look East

It is time for nostalgia and revisiting the tales of sacrifice and valour as we celebrate the Golden Jubilee of the 1971 victory. December 16, celebrated as Vijay Diwas, heralded the beginning of Swarnim Vijay Varsha. The Silver Jubilee celebrations in 1996 were not only low key but also confined to the Eastern Command. It […]
Coping with Chinese techno-psy war

As we crystal gaze security challenges likely in 2021, it is appropriate to recall the major trends of last year. Despite the Covid pandemic, China blatantly altered the tenuous status quo on the LAC in utter disregard of agreed protocols. It also instigated a barbaric stand-off in Galwan using stone age weapons. Yet, the year […]
‘Chinese checkers’: Preparing for the summer onslaught

There has been a flurry of visits to the LAC by members of the top military hierarchy, including Ladakh and Arunachal. Such forays amidst the ongoing border crisis, besides raising the morale of troops on the ground, enable review of preparedness. The latter assumes greater relevance as there is considerable apprehension about the possible Chinese […]
Quest for ‘atmanirbhar’ modernisation of forces

India is grappling with an aggressive Dragon in the north, with uneasy stalemate on LAC beginning to acquire LoC type character. Hence, expectations from defence budget are indeed very high. These are further fuelled by the stark reality that challenges have multiplied, with no resolution in sight on the western border. They are further exacerbated […]
We need strategic awareness instead of quixotic jingoism

Gathering war clouds seem to have cleared out on both LoC and LAC, bringing to mind the famous analogy used by former PM Vajpayee during Operation Prakram. Most soldiers who have to face the direct consequences of conflicts as well as informed experts see a silver lining in this, albeit tinged with some skepticism. Many […]
Territorial Army model, youth as enablers in tough times of pandemic

The country is battling a health emergency triggered by the second wave of Covid-19 pandemic. Two years ago, during a talk on national security challenges, where the likelihood of a pandemic was flagged, students asked if a relatively minor threat was being overhyped? Should it even make it to the list? However, last year, just […]
Re-imagining nat’l security in post-pandemic times

May is turning out to be a very ominous month indeed due to the recurring crisis, a “triple whammy” of sorts. In May 1999, we were jolted by Pakistan’s intrusions in Kargil. Last year, during the first wave of Covid, China unleashed a diabolic coercive strategy to grab territory in Ladakh, leading to confrontation, just […]
Standoff in Ladakh: Defining reality check

One year after the Ladakh stand-off, it is axiomatic to take stock, analyse shortcomings and options to chart the way forward. Unfortunately, major focus is skewed in favour of Galwan and Kailash, bordering largely on self-adulation. There is concurrent need to learn appropriate lessons and apply correctives. It will be fair to admit that the […]