Indian role in Afghan peace process

Tokyo summer Olympics got off to somewhat hesitant start, under the looming shadow of obstinate pandemic. Media attention, however, is divided, focused on another round in the never-ending great game, unfolding in the killing fields of Afghanistan. It also brings back fading memories of Moscow Olympics of July 1980, ironically boycotted by United States of […]
Recalibrating South Asian alliances

China recently launched China Poverty Alleviation and Cooperation Development Centre (CPAC-DC), as part of CCP centenary celebrations. It managed to incorporate diplomatic representatives, of all South Asian nations, except India, Bhutan and Maldives. It was another attempt, to tap latent angst against India, for keeping South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC), in a state […]
Seeking clarity on Taliban 2.0 and Afghan-Pakistan situation

Great game is an addictive affliction, having engineered ignominious defeat of most external forces, except Maharaja Ranjit Singh. In Higher Command (2001-02), my dissertation was ‘Containment of Jihadi Fundamentalism in Afghanistan’. Prescriptive initiatives included forging strategic linkages with Iran and (central Asian regions) CAR, backed up with connectivities. Chabahar, rail/road links, air bases in CAR […]
We should aim for Sams and Sagats for top brass

Media reports indicated that government intends to adopt merit as the new criteria for selection of top leadership in armed forces. This assertion itself is baffling to say the least and likely motivation could be to generate signals to prospective candidates, to fall in step. But as we celebrate Golden Jubilee of 1971 war, it […]
Afghanistan is turning into a horror show

The recent 21st Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) summit meeting in Dushanbe has once again brought to the fore the unresolved imbroglio in Afghanistan. Prime Minister Narendra Modi in his short but focused virtual address flagged challenges of terrorism and the need for theological correctives to promote moderate and inclusive regime. Notwithstanding these very relevant concerns, the […]
Making sense of the many layers of fauji secularism

There has been an ongoing debate on perceived dilution of secular practices in Army. The catalyst has been video footage of attestation parade, later described as Shastra-Puja, where new religious practices and music were included. It is learnt that former chiefs raised this issue in Army chiefs’ conclave, which was underway, and they were assured […]
Regaining a sense of relevance in Afghanistan maelstrom

Afghanistan is reeling under ever worsening humanitarian maelstrom with harsh winter, pandemic and famine. The disaster is compounded by inept Taliban government, struggling to find even basic international acceptance. The stark reality festers, in form of plight of significant number of refugees in the western and the gulf countries. It has also triggered in Europe […]
Spooking manoeuvres and legacy of ‘Ghost Regiment’

Army units strive for ‘naam’ (recognition) and legacy. These come in the shape of Army Chief’s and Army Commander’s citations. The most coveted ones are Battle and Theatre Honours, awarded after campaigns. However, even more rare recognition is earning the enemy’s appreciation, albeit grudging one. Poona Horse earned the honorific of ‘Faqar-e-Hind’ given by Pak […]
Punjab at crossroads in run-up to assembly polls

Dark ominous clouds are once again looming over impending Punjab assembly elections. Bomb blast at Ludhiana, coupled with sacrilege incident at Harmandar Sahib brought back painful memories of the Maur blast and Baragari incident in the run-up to the 2017 elections. Adding to complexity are other lynching incidents, sought to be passed off as beadbi […]
Pak’s 1st National Security Policy doesn’t spell out cogent road map

Pakistan has announced its first-ever and much-touted National Security Policy (NSP). The document spells out national security vision with vague guidelines for goals. It has been projected as citizen-centric initiative and document is liberally peppered with phraseology like — whole of nation, inclusive national dialogue, unity in diversity, normalisation, pluralistic anti-terror strategy etc. One typical […]