Coping with Chinese techno-psy war

As we crystal gaze security challenges likely in 2021, it is appropriate to recall the major trends of last year. Despite the Covid pandemic, China blatantly altered the tenuous status quo on the LAC in utter disregard of agreed protocols. It also instigated a barbaric stand-off in Galwan using stone age weapons. Yet, the year […]
Indian role in Afghan peace process

Tokyo summer Olympics got off to somewhat hesitant start, under the looming shadow of obstinate pandemic. Media attention, however, is divided, focused on another round in the never-ending great game, unfolding in the killing fields of Afghanistan. It also brings back fading memories of Moscow Olympics of July 1980, ironically boycotted by United States of […]
Afghanistan is turning into a horror show

The recent 21st Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) summit meeting in Dushanbe has once again brought to the fore the unresolved imbroglio in Afghanistan. Prime Minister Narendra Modi in his short but focused virtual address flagged challenges of terrorism and the need for theological correctives to promote moderate and inclusive regime. Notwithstanding these very relevant concerns, the […]
Making sense of the many layers of fauji secularism

There has been an ongoing debate on perceived dilution of secular practices in Army. The catalyst has been video footage of attestation parade, later described as Shastra-Puja, where new religious practices and music were included. It is learnt that former chiefs raised this issue in Army chiefs’ conclave, which was underway, and they were assured […]
Regaining a sense of relevance in Afghanistan maelstrom

Afghanistan is reeling under ever worsening humanitarian maelstrom with harsh winter, pandemic and famine. The disaster is compounded by inept Taliban government, struggling to find even basic international acceptance. The stark reality festers, in form of plight of significant number of refugees in the western and the gulf countries. It has also triggered in Europe […]
The Ukranian imbroglio

Defying prevailing world opinion, Russia has unleashed multi-pronged ‘Effects-based Operation’, on hapless Ukraine. It is being described as operation to ‘de-nazify’ Ukraine, unique description of desired outcome, translating in effect to regime change. Offensive was preceded by prolonged bout of psychological warfare and propaganda, punctuated by multiple debilitating cyber attacks. Despite imminence of offensive, dominant […]
Ukraine: Quagmire with no real winners

Conflict in Ukraine entered its second month and the offensive is bogged down in quagmire. The war has triggered grave humanitarian crisis and wanton destruction of civilian infrastructure. It has also become proxy war of sorts with western powers egging on and arming Ukrainian resistance against Russians. In David-Goliath analogy, information warfare has projected Zelenskyy […]
Agnipath & lessons from recent conflicts

The unresolved stand-off in Ladakh has thrown up many lessons. Major one is limitations of much-touted technological asymmetry of PLA. There has been lampooning of conscripts and Chinese fear of body bags. The ongoing war in Ukraine has once again highlighted limitations of Russian conscripts, as also their much trumped tech prowess. Ukrainian volunteers, armed […]
Ukrainian imbroglio presents new challenges for strategists

The senseless war in Ukraine festers, with no early end in sight. Russia’s so-called special operations, unleashed on February 24, is nearing five months of wanton destruction. The lessons, albeit hurriedly drawn are already being advocated, to shape the equipment templates, for conflicts in future. The drivers of these forays, military industrial complex are also […]