Pak’s 1st National Security Policy doesn’t spell out cogent road map

Pakistan has announced its first-ever and much-touted National Security Policy (NSP). The document spells out national security vision with vague guidelines for goals. It has been projected as citizen-centric initiative and document is liberally peppered with phraseology like — whole of nation, inclusive national dialogue, unity in diversity, normalisation, pluralistic anti-terror strategy etc. One typical […]

The Ukranian imbroglio

Defying prevailing world opinion, Russia has unleashed multi-pronged ‘Effects-based Operation’, on hapless Ukraine. It is being described as operation to ‘de-nazify’ Ukraine, unique description of desired outcome, translating in effect to regime change. Offensive was preceded by prolonged bout of psychological warfare and propaganda, punctuated by multiple debilitating cyber attacks. Despite imminence of offensive, dominant […]