Defying prevailing world opinion, Russia has unleashed multi-pronged ‘Effects-based Operation’, on hapless Ukraine. It is being described as operation to ‘de-nazify’ Ukraine, unique description of desired outcome, translating in effect to regime change. Offensive was preceded by prolonged bout of psychological warfare and propaganda, punctuated by multiple debilitating cyber attacks. Despite imminence of offensive, dominant belief was that Putin will not ultimately bite the bullet. Russian buildup was orchestrated in garb of mega exercises in neighbouring states.

Russia has managed to achieve surprise, leveraging audacious, multi-prolonged, ‘shock and awe’ offensive. The operation was initiated with air and missile assaults to gain favorable air situation by neutralising Ukraine’s air defence umbrella, especially radar, missile assets and the air force. Special forces, mechanized units and fire power are in the vanguard. Kremlin has done detailed planning, backed-up with intelligence. Dissemination of news in fog of war is part of narrative shaping, so info war is raging in full measure.

In the run-up to the offensive, Ukraine was assured of USA and European support. These nations have applied slew of sanctions but Russian defiance has exposed limitation in deterrence value of these ultimatums. Unfortunately, like Resistance Front in Afghanistan, Ukraine has been left to fend for her survival. Sense of disbelief on being abandoned by allies is palpable. More worrying is capitulation by Ukrainian Forces, though some isolated incidents of heroic resistance have been reported. The initial surprise will ensure early success but the real challenge for Russia is to avoid getting bogged down in fighting resistance and insurgency.

The genesis of crisis can be traced to great game of NATO proliferation. In 1990, NATO had only 16 members, with regular accretions, these have increased to 30. In addition, three including Ukraine are in queue. This is clearly in violation of assurance given in Minsk agreement that NATO will limit its expansion. Russia after her collapse was smarting but had indicated her sensitivities. While Poland and others drifted from Warsaw Pact to NATO, Russia had intervened more than once in Georgia, Crimea, Kazakhstan and now Ukraine, displaying defiance.

Deployment of NATO missiles in Ukraine certainly pose very serious threat to Moscow. Russia has already justified intervention due to presence of NATO assets. As per Moscow, besides regime change, scope of de-nazification entails de-militarisation. The current Ukrainian armed forces have been training with European neighbours and have acquired NATO orientation. Russia would like to reprogramme them and exercise some control on armament and ship building industries.

It is important to highlight that distributed manufacturing ecosystem established by erstwhile USSR created aviation, tanks and ship building infrastructure hubs in Ukraine. Russia has been peeved at not even being consulted, let alone being given any royalties. Russia is also upset that proprietary know-how has been passed to Western nations. From Indian perspective, Ukrainian exports include Varyag (rechristened as Liaoning) air-craft carrier to China and 320 T-80 UD tanks to Pakistan, including their on going modernisation, likely to be derailed now.

The crisis has to be rationalised in terms of geo-strategic and geo-economic drivers. Firstly, Russia would like to retain dominant status in Black Sea to ensure warm-water port access. Russian action in Crimea and control on Sevastopol port reflected this urge. Secondly, Russia would like to retain energy hegemony in Europe. This extends to distribution network, characterised by pipelines like Nord Stream and Turk Stream. Moscow has endeavoured to minimise transit pay-outs, consciously realigning pipelines layout to bypass Ukraine, creating friction. Russian defiance is also driven by European dependence (particularly German and Baltic countries) on her gas supplies.

Finally, linguistic and ethnic fault lines, defined by Dnieper river have got magnified, particularly in Eastern Donbass region. Luhansk and Donetsk have witnessed separatist tendencies, allegedly fuelled by Russia. Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has accentuated the problem by ill-advised, attempted demographic inversion and heavy security deployment. Eastern regions have served to provide justification, launch pads and intelligence for current operations.

It has been kind of reality check for those banking on alliances. NATO stands exposed for its lack of commitment and operational architecture. It has to reinforce guarantees with standing quick response force and decision-making apparatus. For India and others, message is very clear that heavy lifting has to be shouldered and allies are unlikely to put boots on ground, unless common red lines are breached. Many Ukrainians lament surrender of nuclear war heads in 1996, based on Russian guarantees. Will it now promote renewed nuclearisation?

India is caught in very tricky situation with Ukraine, USA and EU urging her to take principled stand on aspects of territorial integrity and inviolable sovereignty, including right to choose allies. On the other hand, as per CRS report, Russia accounts for 62% of India’s arms supplies since 2010. This includes critical technologies for submarines (specially nuclear), ship building, S-400 AD system and Kamov helicopters. Reliance on Ukraine is minimal, limited to maritime engines. India would like to see early resolution as prolonged war will jack up energy prices and disrupt supplies from Qatar, which is being forced to divert supplies to Europe. Prolonged conflict will also fuel inflation and derail economic recovery.

India in pragmatic move has abstained in Security Council vote. Dialogue and accommodation for Russian sensitivities by ensuring non-aligned Ukraine needs to be pushed. India is seeking to retain acceptability on both sides and guard her interests. As India evacuates students enrolled in questionable medical institutions, reality check on Vishwa Guru ambitions and global pharmacy are warranted.

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